Positive Behaviour
At Kircubbin Integrated Primary School we aim to:
to develop in pupils a sense of self-discipline and an acceptance of responsibility for their own actions;
to create the conditions for an orderly community in which effective learning can take place and in which there is mutual respect between all members.
A positive approach of encouragement and praise, rather than one of criticism and punishment, is our policy.
Should unacceptable behaviour occur, we will look for reasons and not simply punish. Poor behaviour often stems from personal problems at home or difficulties in school - lack of understanding, lack of progress or boredom. In all disciplinary actions it is essential that the child understands fully that it is his/her behaviour which is unacceptable, not him as a person. We firmly believe, however, that prevention is always better than cure and that good behaviour will result from the pupil's acceptance that this is the norm in our school.
At KIPS we have regular rewards to celebrate good behaviour, provide praise and develop self-esteem in all of our pupils. This takes the form of Class Dojos, Pupil Certificates in assemblies, merits, stampers, stickers and verbal praise on a regular basis.
Class Dojos