Grey v-neck woollen jumper/cardigan
White shirt
Red tie
Grey trousers/shorts/knee length skirt/pinafore
Grey socks/tights
Black shoes
Summer Term Option
White polo-shirt/red gingham dress (with white socks)
Summmer Uniform can be worn during Term 3 and for the month of September.
PE Uniform
All classes
White polo-shirt
Plain black shorts
Outdoor Games Kit
Red hoodie
Black tracksuit bottoms/joggers
Please note that school crested PE uniform, outdoor games kit and storm coats are available but not compulsory.
All of the above can be purchased from Crawford Embroidery & Signature Works Bangor (who also provide an online service and 10% of all sales go to school funds)
St Vincent de Paul's Partnership
As a school we wish to support our KIPS families in whatever way we can and we are therfore delighetd to be able to partner with local charity St Vincent de Paul's. Second hand items of uniform are sent to their shop in the village. Please also find details of how they can support you with uniform, school equipment etc below.